Break the Bonds: A dispatch from our divestment campaign.
The campaign pushing U.S. institutions to divest from “Israel Bonds” — unrestricted investments in the Israeli government held by community institutions — is gaining ground across the country.
JVP members are building power in coalitions from Rhode Island to Ohio to Philadelphia, adding to the wave of campaigning by demanding that their local and state governments divest from Israel Bonds.
By pushing for an end to the purchase of Israel Bonds, we are pushing our communities to stop investing in genocide and Israeli apartheid. And by doing so, we withdraw key support for violence against Palestinians from within Jewish communities in the U.S.
The pressure is on. Last week, a major piece in the Guardian broke the news that many U.S. elected officials are pushing to invest even more of our tax dollars into the Israeli government and military — and crossing ethical lines to do so.
Already, the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church, which together hold tens of billions in investments, have voted to divest from Israel Bonds. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teachers union in the country, has also confirmed that it decided against renewing its Israel Bonds investment last year. The call to invest in life and our communities, not in the genocide of Palestinians, is being heard.
Below is just some of the coverage of the impact that JVP members and coalition partners are having in calling on our local community institutions to “Break the Bonds”:
City Council Proposes Halting Providence Investments in Israel Bonds over Alleged War Crimes and Human Rights Violations, Providence City Council, June 6, 2024.
Providence councilors propose divesting from Israel; mayor vows to veto, WPRI, June 6, 2024.
JVP-RI leads diverse coalition to rally in support of Israel bonds divestment ordinance, Steve Ahlquist Substack, June 30, 2024.
Rally held in support of Providence Israel bonds divestment ordinance, ABC6, June 30, 2024.
Providence councilors propose Israel divestment, prompting condemnation from some Jewish groups, Boston Globe, June 6, 2024.
Cuyahoga County Council introduces resolution to push investment halt in Israeli bonds and foreign securities, News 5 Cleveland, June 4, 2024.
Local Palestinians call for county to stop investing in Israel, News 5 Cleveland, April 9, 2024.
Testimony from JVP members on County investment in Israel Bonds
Philadelphia and Pennsylvania
Jewish Voice for Peace stages protests over Israeli bonds in Center City, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 14, 2024.
Jewish people, rabbis and allies block Center City traffic, call for divestment from Israel, NBC Philadelphia, May 14, 2024.
Protesters march to call on banks to divest on Israel’s Independence Day in Philadelphia’s Center City, CBS News, May 14, 2024.
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