Media Roundup: Jews of all ages are organizing for a ceasefire.

Washington, D.C.

As the Israeli government’s sickening genocide of the people of Gaza continues, JVP members, alongside thousands of others, are continuing to take action to demand an immediate ceasefire. From 18 Jewish elder women chaining themselves to the White House to demand that President Biden call for a ceasefire, to marching across Western Massachusetts, to holding vigils, rallies, sit-ins, and children’s protests, our message is continuing to grow.

We need a ceasefire now, and we need Palestinian freedom from bombs, starvation, genocide, apartheid, occupation, and all forms of oppression; and we refuse to let Jewish pain be co-opted to support these horrors.

Why We, 18 Elder Jewish Women, Chained Ourselves to the White House, HeyAlma, December 18, 2023

“Jewish feminists have always been on the forefront of movements for peace and justice. Many of us are descendants of Holocaust survivors who know all too well the price of silence. We have lived our entire lives honoring our identity as Jewish women by taking action against all forms of injustice.”

The White House 18

Chained to White House Fence, Jewish Elders Chant ‘Cease-Fire Not Genocide’, Common Dreams, December 11, 2023

“Don’t let them tell you it’s complicated. Palestinians are being slaughtered. Not just by bombs—also by starvation. It has never been more important that we act.”

Karen Ackerman

Tens of thousands have joined pro-Palestinian protests across the United States. Experts say they are growing, PBS NewsHour, December 15, 2023

Demands for a cease-fire in the fighting over Gaza have become a rallying cry at the protests, as have as accusations of genocide against the Palestinian people and anger at the U.S. and President Joe Biden for their support of Israel, according to CCC’s tracking.

The Difference Between Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, Crooked Podcast, December 13, 2023

I think there’s a lot of clarity in the movement for Palestinian rights that there is no space for anti-Semitism there, and that what we are fighting for is Palestinian rights and a future in which all people can live in safety and equality.”

Beth Miller, Political Director, JVP and JVP Action

Media View, Al-Jazeera, December 9, 2023

“We are seeing dozens and dozens of protests around the US and europe more broadly organized by Jews demanding a ceasefire and calling in strong defense of Palestinian rights.”

Sonya Meyerson-Knox, Communications Director, JVP

Biden calls ‘surge’ in antisemitism ‘sickening’ during White House Hanukkah reception, NBC 4, December 11, 2023

“We, as elder Jews, we know what genocide looks like. We know what genocide feels like. It’s in our bodies, in our bones. It’s horrifying, it’s devastating. Sometimes, it’s hard to get up in the morning to see this, and it’s being done in the name of Jews. So we are here — as elderly Jews — to say, not in our name.”

Esther Farmer, JVP-NY

At Hanukkah Rally in New York, Prayers, Candles and Calls for Cease-Fire, the New York Times, December 7, 2023

“‘This just feels like a very powerful opportunity for us to continue to be very, very loud and clear that we see no military solution to this conflict,’” said Audrey Sasson, the executive director of Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, one of the event’s organizers.

PHOTOS: Hundreds March 25 Miles To Demand Gaza Ceasefire, the Shoestring, December 18, 2023

“The march was made up of members of Jewish Voice for Peace, the Palestinian-led organization Within our Lifetime, the local Islamic community, and others across Massachusetts. The marchers expressed concern over the civilian death toll of Israel’s bombardment and ground invasion of Gaza, now estimated to be proportionately higher than any conflict of the 20th century.”

Palestinian Student Shot in VT & Granddaughter of Holocaust Survivor Join Haverford Sit-In for Gaza, Democracy Now!, December 14, 2023

“There is real antisemitism out there. There are real threats to Jewish people. These threats have been experienced by my family. So many members of my family died in the Holocaust. And it’s absolutely horrifying that claims of antisemitism are being attributed to criticism of Israel.”

Ellie Baron

Families Gather in Durham to Fly Kites and call for a Ceasefire in Gaza, IndyWeek, December 18, 2023

Speakers, all of whom were children, stepped up to the mic.

‘My second cousin is almost exactly my age,’ said Zeydan, a 7-year-old boy who was born in Palestine. ‘His name is Ikhlas. And he is starving to death.

‘My family is in Gaza,’ said 9-year-old Maria, another native Palestinian. ‘I am worried all the time.’”

‘25 Miles for Palestine’ sees hundreds of protesters march for a permanent ceasefire, Western Mass News, December 16, 2023

“’My Jewish values teach me to be against that; to stand up for justice when I see it; to stand on the side of oppressed people; to stand up for Palestinian people.'”

Molly Aronson, JVP-Western Mass

SF Protestors demand Padilla vote for Gaza ceasefire, KALW Bay Area, December 12, 2023.

“’We’re near the end of the session, and the administration wants to give more aid to Israel before the session ends. So it’s really important that we’re out here with unions, with immigrant organizations, with multiple different groups, all demanding a ceasefire.’”

Seth Morrison, JVP-Bay Area

Jewish Voice for Peace to lead 25-mile march in Western Mass., the length of Gaza, MassLive, December 11, 2023

“This is a nonviolent act of solidarity.”

Kaia Jackson, JVP-Western Mass 

‘Free Palestine within our lifetime.’ Rally in Overland Park calls for Gaza ceasefire, the Kansas City Star, December 11, 2023

“As a Jewish person with Israeli family members, I am grieving. It’s a cause that’s very personal to me, but I am also seeing that my grief is being used as a weapon of war to support a genocide supposedly in the name of my people.”

Michael Wolfe, JVP-Kansas City

the Wire

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