Search Results: apartheid

Oscar Nominees Receive Invitations to Palestine

Oscar nominees in the top acting and directing categories as well as host Chris Rock received invitations from a coalition of groups to visit Palestine and experience life through the eyes of Palestinians living under apartheid and military occupation.

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New York JVPers to Israeli Settlement Funder: “Violence Against Palestinians should not be Tax Exempt”

For immediate release on February 22, 2016 Contact: Eva Kalikoff | Peace activists to Israeli Settlement Funder: “Violence Against Palestinians should not be Tax Exempt” New York JVP activists bring Shuhada Street to the Hebron Fund February 26, 2016– “Funding Israeli settlements is not charity; violence against Palestinians should not be tax-exempt.” That was…

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Full-Page Ad in Los Angeles Times Calls on Oscar Nominees to #SkipTheTrip Offered By Israeli Government

A full-page color ad calling on Oscar nominees to #SkipTheTrip being offered by the Israeli government in swag bags was published in the Calendars section of today’s Los Angeles Times.

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Variety Censors Ad Supporting Palestinian Human Rights

Jewish Voice for Peace and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation placed the above ad in Variety Magazine. The next day, we were told that we “would need to have a softer tone.”

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US charities that enable settlement building and support violence against Palestinians are #NotExempt. Join the call to #OpenShuhadaSt Shuhada Street was once lined with small shops whose owners typically lived upstairs. It used to be one of the busiest marketplaces in the old city of Hebron. But in 1994, after a Jewish settler from Brooklyn named Baruch Goldstein…

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New Federal Bill Seeks to Quell Criticism of Israeli Policy

Jewish Voice for Peace strongly opposes the latest legislative effort to discourage the growing movement for justice and equality for Palestinians. The Combatting BDS Act of 2016 (S. 2531/H.R. 4514), introduced February 10, 2016, aims to encourage and authorize legislation at the state level to divest state funds from companies that boycott Israel.

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Solidarity with UAW Local 2865

In December 2014, rank-and-file members of Local 2865 of the United Auto Workers voted to support boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) of Israel. With their vote, they honored the call of Palestinian civil society, and joined millions of people the world over who are taking non-violent action to protest Israel’s human rights abuses.

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Stolen Homes

Palestinians can’t #LiveThere, So Don’t Go There. Over 150,000 people around the world have joined with a coalition of human rights and corporate responsibility groups to demand that Airbnb immediately end the illegal practice of listing vacation rentals in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Download a custom #StolenHomes poster with your city. Affordable housing and anti-gentrification…

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JVP Student Network Statement on Intersectionality

As Jewish students active in intersectional struggles for justice, we are troubled by recent articles and opinion pieces published in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the Jewish Daily Forward, the New York Jewish Week, the Daily Beast, and Haaretz that have suggested that Jewish students on college campuses across the country are ‘threatened’ by student protests…

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Rededicate this Chanukah to Challenging Islamophobia

JVP members across the country are rekindling our commitment to challenge, through words and actions, Islamophobia and racism in all their manifestations. Find an action near you.

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Open Letter To Rabbi Susan Talve from St Louis Jews

For more than a year, we have struggled to reconcile your righteous stand on challenging U.S. domestic racism with your stated commitment to Zionism and defense of Israel.

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Rabbi Alissa Wise Addresses St Peter’s Church

In Genesis we read: Jacob woke from his sleep and said, surely God is in this place, and I did not know it! It happened for me like that too. Well, maybe not exactly. Let me tell you what happened: In the summer of 2007, while I was studying to become a rabbi, I lived in the West Bank for two months. One day I planted trees in a destroyed olive grove outside of Nablus.

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