Resources to end the bombing and hold Israel accountable
Recommended News Sites
The Electronic Intifada
972 Magazine
Middle East Monitor
Recommended Twitter Sources
On-the-ground accounts from Jerusalem (list)
On-the-ground accounts from Gaza (list)
#antifa972 (hashtag for anti-racist organizing in Israel)
Fact Sheets
FAQ: Analyst Mouin Rabbani on the Gaza Crisis (August 5, 2014)
Fact Check: Israeli Claims About the Assault on Gaza (July 31)
Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked (July 25)
Rabbi Dov Lior: A Case Study in State-Sponsored Incitement (July 24)
Misperceptions about the Conflict in Gaza (July 23)
FAQ on Failed Effort to Arrange Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas (July 15)
Occupation Update, Volume II (July 7)
Fanning the Flames of Hate: Israeli Officials in Their Own Words (10 Examples) (July 4)
Case Study in Complicity: Israeli Government & Extremist Attacks Against Palestinians (July 2)
Israel’s West Bank Crackdown (June 27)
Reference Sheet: Israel, Gaza, and International Law (November 19, 2012)
The Neighbor Procedure: Israel’s Use of Palestinian Human Shields (November 5, 2012)
ActiveStills (Flickr feed)
Online Actions
Sign an open letter condemning not only violence, but its root cause
Write to your Congressional leaders (via the US Campaign to End the Occupation)
Contribute to Gaza Relief
MECA Emergency Aid for Gaza
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Explore Resources
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